Jólakvešja/Christmas greeting

Jólabréfiš frį okkur er bara į tölvutęku formi ķ įr. Žetta eru 3 blašsķšur meš myndum, svo žaš gęti tekiš smį tķma aš sękja žaš.

Żtiš į „Jólakortiš ķ įr“ eša  "This year's christmas card" hér aš nešan. Athugiš aš bįšir linkarnir vķsa ķ sömu skrįna.


Our ckristmas letter will only be digital this year. It's 3 pages with pictures, so it might take a while to download.

Press „Jólakortiš ķ įr“ or  "This year's christmas card" below to download. Note that both links point to the same file.

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1 Smįmynd: Einar Jón

For those who want a mailed letter we suggest the following:

1) Print out the letter. For best results; use a colour printer. Use both sides to conserve paper.

2) Put the letter in an envelope. Write your name and address on it.

3) Place the envelope in the mailbox of a friendly neighbour who knows where you live.

4) Sit back and wait. Eventullay the neighbour will see the letter that accidentally arrived in his mailbox, and deliver it to you.

5) Enjoy reading your letter.

Einar Jón, 23.12.2009 kl. 17:52

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